01 12:30 D & D Conference 1:30 ICU Rounds |
04 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
05 7:15am Radiology Rounds 11:00pm Interns Meeting 12:30pm Journal Club (Yalamanchili, Soni, Zamanian) 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
06 7:30am Clinical Grand Rounds (Clinical Laboratory Medicine Update Beverly Dickson, MD) 12:30pm Hematology/ Oncology Update (Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer by Dr. J. Juturi) 1:30pm CCU Rounds |
07 11:00am UTSW Grand Rounds (New Concepts in the Pathophysiology of Age-Related Osteoporosis) Lawrence Riggs, M.D .; Lillian Clark Visiting Professorship, Mayo Clinic 12:30pm CPC Conference 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
08 12:30pm Cardiology Conference (Identify & Manage Life Threatening Arrhythmias by Dr. C. Wyndham) 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
11 12:15pm Tumor Conference (Pain Management by Dr. J. Marshall) 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
12 7:15am Radiology Rounds 11:00pm Interns Meeting 12:30pm Resident Conference (Dr. Sue Royappa) 1:30pm ICU Rounds 5:00pm CECC Meeting |
13 7:30am Clinical Grand Rounds (The Insomniac Andrew Jamieson, MD) 12:30pm Hematology/ Oncology Update (New Chemo Therapeutic Approaches for Indolent B-cell Malignancies by Dr. S. Coutre) 1:30pm CCU Rounds |
14 11:00am UTSW Grand Rounds (Improvements In Cardiac Arrest Management) James Atkins, M.D. 12:30pm D & D Conference 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
15 12:30pm Presby Squares 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
18 12:30pm Gastroenterology Conference (Diverticular Disease by Dr. P. Loeb) 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
19 7:15am Radiology Rounds 11:00pm Interns Meeting 12:30pm Journal Club (Biswas, Horton, Prescott) 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
20 7:30am Clinical Grand Rounds (Is This Only Cerebrovascular Disease? Jivesh Sharma, MD) 12:30pm Hematology/ Oncology Update (Activated EGFR-TK is a Pivotal Signaling Pathway in Most Common Solid Tumors by Dr. B. Glisson) 1:30pm CCU Rounds |
21 12:30pm Potpourri Conference 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
22 12:30pm Infectious Disease Conference (CNS Infections: Bacterial Meningitis by Dr. G. Tseggay) 1:30 ICU Rounds |
25 12:30pm Rheumatology Conference (SLE by Dr. A. Quiceno) 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
26 12:30pm Renal Conference (Edema by Dr. B. Wall) 11:00pm Interns Meeting 1:30pm ICU Rounds |
27 7:30am Clinical Grand Rounds NO CONFERENCE 12:30pm NO CONFERENCE 1:30pm CCU Rounds |