Clinical Pathological Conference (9/6/02)
Chief complaint Diarrhea for 2 weeks
HPI This 38 y.o. African American male presents with 4-5 watery BMs/day,
intermittent abdominal bloating, nausea without vomiting, and orthostatic lightheadedness.
He denies overt gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal pain, or weight loss. He
also reported a four-week history of bilateral lower-extremity edema.
PMH seizure disorder, last occurring twenty years ago; on
no medications currently.
SH ten cigars/week, occasional beer, occasional marijuana, none since
being incarcerated approximately two months prior to admission
FH sister with unspecified cancer
ROS - NEURO: history of unsteadiness on his feet and difficulty with vision,
especially at night, of unspecified duration.
Exam WD/WN man in NAD. Alert and oriented x 3.
Vitals T 37.0, P 70, BP 110/70, R 20, 98% O2 saturation on room air.
HEENT/neck no abnormalities.
Chest clear bilaterally.
CV unremarkable.
Abd soft; mildly tender to deep palpation diffusely, tympanitic, with
normal bowel sounds. Liver span of 10 cm; spleen not palpable. No ascites.
Rectal fecal occult blood test (+).
Extremities no clubbing or cyanosis; +2 pitting edema of ankles and pretibial
Neuro decreased two-point discrimination and vibration sensation in all
4 extremities. Poor performance with rapid alternating movements (dysdiadochokinesia).
Dysmetria on finger-to-nose and heel-to-shin tests. Wide-based, ataxic gait.
Labs WBC 4.5 [79P/15L/5M/1E]. Hgb 13.3 g/dl [MCV 66/RDW 23]. Platelets
Na 138/ K 3.4/ Cl 108/ CO2 25/ BUN 4/ Cr 0.7/ glucose 99. Lipase WNL.
ALT 32/ AST 43/ AP 153/ GGTP 30/ bilirubin 1.4/ albumin 2.3/ total protein 5.5.
INR 2.1/ PTT 41.4
Serum iron 10/ TIBC 281/Ferritin 9
Peripheral blood smear many acanthocytes and a few schistocytes.
Serum haptoglobin normal. Sickle prep negative.
Serum 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D - undetectable
Beta carotene undetectable
Anti-HIV, HbsAg, anti-HCV all negative.
Plain abdominal films non-specific bowel-gas pattern
Stool studies - no O&P (x 3) or WBCs; culture: normal flora; Sudan stain
positive for fat globules.
Colonoscopy normal, including random biopsies.
Additional tests were performed and a diagnosis was made.